First, an important piece of information to remember about this book is that it does not contain a number of the major point of view characters from earlier novels: Jon Snow, Daenaerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, and Davos Seaworth; these characters will feature in the next novel, A Dance with Dragons. Readers opening this book with the hopes of reading about these characters directly will be disappointed, but there's no real reason to be disappointed as this novel is a success. Focusing as it does on events south of the Neck (particularly King's Landing and the Riverlands) and some…
Posted at 21:48 CET by Elio
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If you are a fan of any one (or all) of the writers involved in this fascinating collaboration, this book is quite simply a must-read, even though it is very different from anything they have produced on their own. And if you're not a fan, you should probably try it anyhow, because The Golden Key is a truly good and original book, far removed from your standard fantasy. It also features one of the cleverest covers (painted by Michael Whelan) I've ever seen. The setting is a fascinating alternative Europe, the duchy of Tira Virte, where every event of importance is immortalized through a…
Posted at 01:41 CET by Linda
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A remarkable new entry into the fantasy genre, Erikson's Gardens of the Moon is the first of ten planned books which will make up his Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Throwing the reader straight into the action, Erikson shows the sensibilities of a trained archaeologist-anthropologist (which he is) in the easy, realistic way in which he builds up geography, culture, history, and politics. Following several different plotlines, sometimes the work is reminiscent of Glen Cook's fine Black Company series, sometimes reminiscent of Moorcock's famous Elric stories, and sometimes even reminiscent…
Posted at 00:56 CET by Elio
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Something has gone terribly wrong in Terrielle, and the Blood who was meant to nurture the Realm is instead ruining it, having become a perversion of their true nature under the rule of Dorothea SaDiablo and her lackeys. Strong Queens who dare oppose her are destroyed by the males who should have been protecting them, but who fear slavery and the Ring of Obedience so much that they go against their strongest instincts. The only hope which remains is that Witch will return, but many of those who should be waiting and hoping for her arrival are instead fearful of it, even to the point of wishing…
Posted at 22:51 CET by Linda
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A well-written, engrossing novel awaits anyone who dares to pick up this new entry into the fantasy genre. Be warned, however, that this is truly an adult novel, with much of the tale centered around the erotic nature of living as a pleasure slave in the politically-unstable realm of Terre d'Ange (Land of Angels). The main character and narrator, Phèdre, is born in a kingdom where everyone is beautiful and no wonder, for they all claim to be descended from angels that rejected Heaven to follow Blessed Elua, the offspring of the martyred Son of God Yeshua and Mother Earth. But…
Posted at 21:09 CET by Linda
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